Snow Peak Kettle No.1
Snow Peak Kettle No.1
Snow Peak Kettle No.1
Snow Peak Kettle No.1
Snow Peak Kettle No.1
Snow Peak Kettle No.1

Snow Peak Kettle No.1

RM160.70 MYR RM189.00 MYR
Save 14%

Snow Peak's Kettle No.1, a camping cooker and representative item for outdoor gear. The kettle has been designed with ease of use in mind, allowing users to cook ramen and eat it directly from the kettle. The product is stackable for easy storage, and its size (diameter over 155mm and height over 100mm) allows it to be stacked with other camping cookers.

It is important to note that this product is only for use with direct flame and cannot be used with an IH stove. The product is made of stainless steel and has a capacity of 0.9L.

  • Size: 150×140×96(h)mm
  • Weight: 290g
  • Capacity: 0.9L
  • Material: Stainless steel

Features: Designed with ease of use in mind for outdoor activities, this kettle has a shape that allows you to make ramen and eat it straight from the pot. It is a representative camping item that can also be used at home.

  • Estimated Delivery:Mar 29 - Apr 02

  • Free Shipping For Orders Above RM500 (West Malaysia Only)

East Malaysia: 3-5 days
West Malaysia: 5-12 days
Snow Peak Kettle No.1

Snow Peak Kettle No.1

RM160.70 MYR RM189.00 MYR